How to Introduce Dogs & Horses to Each Other
If you own dogs and horses, chances are they're a package deal, and in a perfect world, they would all get along! While we know it isn't always the case that dogs and horses get together without a hitch, introducing horses to your canine friends properly can go a long way in helping dogs and horses coexist peacefully.
If you're wondering how to bring your horses and dogs together without incident, keep reading for information and professional dog trainer tips from NRS.
Learn the Body Language of Dogs & Horses
We can't predict how the first interaction between dogs and horses will go, but we can learn how these animals communicate. Knowing how to read each animal's body language is the first step to creating the best environment for bringing dogs and horses together.
Learn and notice the signs of fear, aggression and anxiety in each animal when they are together so that you remain in control of the situation.
If your horse is with your dog and displaying negative body language, move the dog far enough away that your horse begins to relax. Here are the signs to look for:
- Ears Pinning
- Flaring Nostrils or Snorting
- Opening Eyes Wide
- Tail Swishing
- Pawing
- Tossing their heads
If you bring your dog to your horse and notice any of the following signals, stay calm and create more distance between the two animals.
- Body lowering
- Hackles Raising
- Growling/Snarling
- Barking
- Tail Tucking
- Nose Wrinkling
- Nervous Pacing
This isn't a complete list of body language cues. You may be a new horse or dog owner still learning to communicate with your new friend. Always remember, communication goes both ways! Knowing how your dogs and horses communicate with you before you try to introduce them to each other is essential to avoid accidents or unfortunate situations.
Keep in mind that your emotional state transposes to your animals. If you are nervous, they will be too. Do your best to stay calm and confident while introducing your animals to any new situation.

Bringing Dogs & Horses Together Takes Time, Repetition & Patience
Many people ask about the best dogs around horses, but the answer is not a particular dog breed. The best dogs for horses are calm dogs. Here are three tips from professional dog trainer Aubrey Block on how to keep dogs calm when introducing horses:
- Walk your dog on a leash near, around and by the horse to let them get used to each other's presence. You can always have someone walk your horse as you walk your dog so that your dog and horse are together yet separate.
- Safely tie your dog to a patience post or fence post for decompression while you work your horse. This helps the dog learn to be calm while you're working with the horse and not get in the way. Calm association = a good association.
- Make sure your dog has good obedience and respect for you as a handler. Animals will be animals, especially dog breeds with herding genetics. Their instincts may kick in, and they may want to nip at hooves and fetlocks. Making sure they listen to you first and foremost is key.
Positive reinforcement for calm behavior is a vital learning tool. Provide your dog with training treats to encourage and reward this good behavior. Keeping favorite toys and treats handy when spending time at the patience post can be a great way to reinforce confidence and comfort.
Always remember, dogs and horses can get overwhelmed, just like we can. Start with shorter training sessions and gradually increase time and "difficulty" as they learn and progress. Rome wasn't built in a day! When bringing horses and dogs together, have patience and gratitude that these wonderful creatures trust us and are willing to learn from us. We are always learning from them too!