Zoetis Animal Health Synovex S Implants 10 Count
Style #: 10014340-10
Style #: 10014340-10
Administering SYNOVEX® S to stocker or feedlot steers can help boost gain, enhance feed efficiency and deliver exceptional return on investment. Steers implanted with SYNOVEX S:
· Gained an additional 25 pounds on pasture over nonimplanted animals1
· Delivered a 20:1 return on investment under most cattle pricing situations*,2
· Works as a growth-promoting implant for stocker and feedlot steers
· Administered with the SX10 Precision Applicator — like all SYNOVEX® implants — featuring an exclusive retractable needle for consistent, accurate placement†
· Can be stored at room temperature until the package is opened
†All SYNOVEX formulations are compatible with both the SX10 Precision Applicator and metal Revolver applicators.
One implant (eight pellets) is administered to each steer by subcutaneous implantation in the middle one third of the ear.
Do not use in veal calves.