Manna Pro -Force Fly Spray 32oz
Style #: 05-9442-5331
Style #: 05-9442-5331
Equine Fly Spray with Rapid Knockdown, Kill and Repellency for up to 14 days. Ready to use.
Active Ingredients:
Permethrin - .20%
Pyrethrin - .10%
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE - Ready to use. No mixing necessary. Hold container upright and spray as directed. Pro Force™ may be applied directly with either a soft cloth or fine mist spray. Except when applying to dogs, horses, ponies or foals, do not apply this product in a way that will contact adults, children, or pets, either directly or through drift. Remove or cover exposed food and drinking water before application. Remove or cover dishes, utensils, food processing equipment, and food preparation surfaces, or wash them before use.
HORSES, PONIES AND FOALS: Kills and repels Stable Flies, Horn Flies, House Flies, Face Flies, Horse Flies, Deer Flies, Cluster Flies, Sciarid Flies, Mosquitoes including Culex species which may transmit West Nile Virus, Gnats, Midges, Punkies and No-See-Ums, Carpenter Bees, Moths including Almond, Chocolate, Tobacco, Indian Meal, Angoumois Grain, and other flying moths, Fleas, Ticks including Brown Dog, Lone Star, Deer, Other Ixodid Species, American Dog, and Gulf Coast, Chiggers and Lice.
For initial treatment, apply 1-2 ounces daily for 2 to 3 days. (As infestation subsides, repeat treatment every 7-14 days or as prescribed by a veterinarian). Also re-apply every time animal is washed or exposed to heavy rain.