To promote and support young leaders in the agricultural livestock community, who actively and positively influence their peers, their associations, and their local communities.
To promote and support young leaders in the agricultural livestock community, who actively and positively influence their peers, their associations, and their local communities.
The purpose of the NRS Show Team is to create brand advocates for NRS and its involvement in the Livestock Show Industry by investing in young showmen of various disciplines.
NRS wishes to support livestock show youth through educational opportunities, scholarships, connection to leaders in the Livestock Industry, and provision of supplies for their projects.
NRS believes this strengthens the Industry of which it is so excited to be a part. It is the hope of everyone at NRS that this will create opportunities for young showmen that they otherwise would not have had.
Applications for the 2025-2026 NRS Show Team are now open!
*NOTE: There is a $15.00 application fee*
(All fees go towards the end of the year scholarship)
**Cash or Check (payable to NRS Show Team) **
MANDATORY team induction will be held in Decatur, Texas for all members selected.
** Date of induction TBD upon acceptance**
Applications must arrive on or before June 10, 2025
Result emails will be sent out to applicants on June 17, 2025
Please mail applications to:
Attn: Tayler Sullivent Garcia
NRS Show Team
4650 S US-287
Decatur, TX 76234
Questions? Tayler.sullivent@nrsworld.com
Addison Roberson
Ainsley Williams
Avery Pearson
Braileigh Goe
Breck Boyce
Cheyenne Dawson
Clara Cross
Dalton Birdwell
Elijah Randle
Garrett Sanders
Karley Rowe
Karter Scherwitz
Kinley Jo Tolle
Kylie Altom
Lindie Carpenter
Makayla Holcomb
Oakley Goodner
Raelye Hoelscher
Sarah Albus
Sydney Shout
Luke Nelson
Show Team in Action
No, the NRS Show Team is available to members across the United States. However, understand that you are required to travel to certain events, that are often held in Texas.
The NRS Show Team is for High School students only. Those entering their Freshman year as of August 1st of the applicant year are eligable.
Applications are judged by a panel of knowledgable individuals. Applications are graded on the individuals show frequency, competativeness within the ring, professionalism, outside involvement, and personality. Our goal is to induct a group of well rounded young leaders.
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
It seems fitting that high school senior Hayden Lovelady is inspired by Thomas Edison’s quote. He’s one to seek out every opportunity he can and is not afraid to work for what he wants. Especially if the opportunity is to share the story of production agriculture and where food and fiber come from.
Lovelady got his start in the show ring with a rabbit project in 4-H. He found his passion for the goat project in fifth grade and has shown them locally and at Texas majors ever since. He has also shown lambs but always finds his way back to goats. His love for showing livestock and involvement in youth programs evolved into a more profound passion for leadership and advocacy.
"Yesterday during the drive of the last breed of the day, the judge said something that really stuck with me. He said, “I don’t win and lose. I win, and I learn.” Sure, maybe I didn’t win a class, division, or breed division, but I still won something. I won by getting the opportunity to see my best friends from across the state, and from having the opportunity to represent the Brangus breed.
I learned this week by realizing that winning is sweet, but it’s not what is most important. We show stock to learn many life lessons. We learn that a good work ethic is essential for every aspect of life, we learn to cherish the relationships that we have, and we learn to make the best of every place, even if it’s just a participation ribbon. We learn that it is SO important to be kind, and genuine.
God made an agriculturalist, to better the land that we live on. I think that should be each and every exhibitor's priority to make this earth a better place with our experiences and the lessons we’ve learned showing livestock!" -Savannah Hanson