Smarty Young Pro Camp
The annual 2021 Smarty Young Pro Camp is taking place May 17-20 at NRS Arena. This year 40 kids from all over the United States and Canada will come together to learn from some of the best team ropers in the world, while getting the chance to hear from some prominent individuals in the western industry.
“Being on the Smarty Young Pro team is a huge accomplishment for these students.” said Smarty founder and 4X World Champion Team Roper, Allen Bach. “This is our way of giving back to the western industry and to encourage the next generation of rodeo contestants.”
The camp isn’t just about roping, though. It works in conjunction with Allen’s ministry, Forever Cowboys. Bach, who has always been very open about his faith, uses this as an opportunity to share his testimony and give others the chance to hear about Jesus.
“I want these kids to know that Jesus is my best friend, and He can be yours too. After 30 NFR’s, and millions of miles traveled, I have seen firsthand God work in my life and how powerful and loving He really is. Our theme this year is “The Bigger Picture” and seeing success not just inside the arena but outside of it as well.” said Bach. In 1990, Bach won his second PRCA Team Roping World Championship. Instead of having his name on the buckle, he had it engrave the words “Jesus is Lord” across the bottom.
When it comes to the roping aspect of this camp, Smarty cuts no corners. Allen, along with his two sons Joel and Tyler, and many Smarty Pro Team ropers come to rope from sunup to sundown. Allen said, “It’s not very often you have the opportunity to learn from ropers like Luke Brown, Ryan Motes, and Paul Eaves all in one day. We start out each morning roping the Smarty the Steer, and the Smarty Xtreme, before we rope live cattle. This year is exciting because we will have Jackie Crawford, Kelsie Chace, and Shelby Boisjoli here to rope with the Young Pro breakaway ropers.”
Smarty is the only trainer of its kind to be totally designed by a 4x World Champion, Allen Bach, who in 2010 decided to engineer the perfect training tool. After 30 years of research and almost two years of testing, he launched the first Smarty in October 2011. Since then, Smarty has been titled the “pro’s” machines.