Mane 'n Tail: For Horses & Humans
Written by NRS Influencer Amanda Backlund with Topwind Ranch
Have you seen the Mane 'n Tail brand shampoo and conditioner on shelves in your local supermarket? I know I have, and it's not because equestrians need to pick up products for their horses while they shop for their groceries – though it sure is convenient! This long-time company crossed over into products for humans in addition to horses back in the '80s. I think it's so cool that a product I am using on my horses is safe for people (and dogs and cats!) as well.
Main 'n Tail started on the Katzev family horse farm in rural New Jersey over 50 years ago. Their first products were for show horses with beautiful long flowing manes and tails and were a success as they enhanced the horse's shine without drying out their coats, skin, or hair. Their lineup of products continued to grow, and while they aren't manufactured on the family farm anymore, their hands-on business approach remains intact. Their goal is to have products that are easy to use and result in happy owners and horses.
The Must-Haves for Our Barn
I'm sure I am not the only equestrian that cares more about my horse's hair than my own! While I'm always spending more money on my horses' care than myself, Mane 'n Tail is one of the most affordable on the market. That makes it easy to keep the entire line stocked in our barn.
While the original shampoo and conditioner are my go-to for regular bath time, my favorite to have on hand for special cases is the Pro-Tect product line. If you have a horse experiencing fungal or bacterial problems like rain rot, ringworm, hot spots and girth itch, a good scrub with Mane 'n Tail Pro-Tect Shampoo is a great first step to help them heal up quickly. The Pro-Tect spray in the girth area after a ride on days they can't be bathed is excellent for preventing or treating some of the skin issues we see in horses. The antimicrobial medicated spray helps kill off bacteria, yeast, mold, fungi and viruses – all without causing extra irritation.
Mane n' Tail Pro-Tect Medicated Shampoo : Pro-Tect provides complete protection and treatment of topical skin problems. Unsurpassed effectiveness on organisms associated with: fungal and bacterial problems; rain rot, scurf, ringworm; hot spots, skin rashes and dry patches; girth itch; other opportunistic infections (virus, yeast, mold, etc.)
In a barn like ours, we ride multiple horses a day and are starting colts in some of the most uncomfortable weather. That means preventative care is important. Even though we disinfect our equipment and keep our animals and stalls clean, you can't eliminate bacteria and fungi completely. Mane 'n Tail's easy-to-use products make it simple to keep horses happy and comfortable and, in turn, leave riders satisfied.
When it's Time to Make a Lasting Impression
There are many reasons you'd like your horses to look their absolute best. Whether it's a special photo shoot to create lasting memories, a big horse show or event, or sale photos to get your horse seen by their dream buyer – the prep work you put into your horse for the moment makes a difference. Mane 'n Tail has created a formula for when you need something just a little extra. The Ultimate Gloss line of shampoo and conditioner cleanses and leaves behind a stunning shine. Finish with Mane 'n Tail Shine On spray, and your horse is ready to put their best hoof forward!
Shop All Mane n' Tail Products
Mane 'n Tail products help hair grow with ingredients that strengthen and protect hair. The next time you're getting ready for a show, bathing after a long ride or treating some skin irritation, be sure you're reaching for the best line of products for your horse's skin, coat, and hair. After the results you see on your equine friends, their products might just end up in your shower too!