Weaver Leather Massage Brush Lime
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The ideal spacing of bristles on this grooming brush makes it perfectfor use on cattle with thick coats to help train the hair andstimulate hair growth. It also works great for washing and scrubbinglivestock animals for a deep down clean. Handle easily adjusts overhand for a secure fit. Measures 3-1/2" W x 7" L.
Weaver Leather Livestock's Promise
Over 40 years of manufacturing experience has taught us a thing ortwo about consistently producingproductsdowntothelastdetail.You’ll findonlythefinestmaterials,skilledAmericanworkmanshipandfinishing touchesforyears ofdependableperformance andunparalleledquality that willhaveyou comingback again andagain.
That quality is a part of our heritage, part of our future andendures in our commitment to your successas ashowmanandinlife.
What does quality mean to you? To us, it means the finest materials,skilled craftsmanship, innovative designandattentiontodetail.Youcan restassuredthatyou’ll find themall ineachandeveryproductyoubuy from us.WhenyouchooseWeaverLeatherLivestockproducts,yougetunparalleledqualitythatwillhaveyoucomingback againandagain.That’s ourpromiseto youandyoursuccessasashowman.
Every company started somewhere with big dreams of the future. For morethan 40 years, Weaver Leather hasmanufacturedqualityproductsdeveloped byprofessionalexperts,tested byyouandbacked byour100%satisfactionguarantee. Andit allstartedwith a simplecattleshowhalter thatraised thebar and setthe newindustrystandardforqualityanddetail.That onehalterset thestageforeverythingyou’llsee on thiswebsiteandisstill afavoritetoday.It’s partofourpast, andwekeep itclose athandbecauseitcontinues toinspirefutureproductsthat helpyou besuccessfulin thering.
The dictionary defines innovation as a new idea, device or method.Sounds simple, right? Here at WeaverLeatherLivestock,wearealwaysthinking aboutwheretheshow industryisheaded,whatshowmenneedtoaccomplish theirgoals,andhow wecandevelopproductstomeetthoseneeds andsolveeverydayproblems.That’swhy we relyontheknowledgeofour in-houselivestockexperts,feedback fromprofessionals at thetopof theirgame,and yes,evenyourowninputonhow we canmakethingsbettertochangetheface ofcompetition.
You don’t take showing livestock lightly. Neither do we. It’s yourpassion and we’re dedicated to helpingyoubetheverybestyoucanbe.That’s whyweoffer onlythe bestsuppliesbackedbyindustryexpertsandyears ofexperience. Thelong termsuccessof thelivestockindustrydepends onyou, the nextgeneration,and we’redevoted tofueling yourenthusiasmwithonlythefinestproductsandvaluableeducationalongthe way.