Behlen Complete Dog Kennel
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The Value Chain Link Kennels feature cast aluminum square corner fittings for ultimate strength and animal safety. The pre-assembled panels feature center vertical support bars for added strength as well as 1″ clearance under the kennels and open bottoms on the vertical tubing for drainage.
Behlen Country is the largest division of Behlen Mfg. Co., headquartered in Columbus, NE. Behlen Mfg. Co. is a locally-owned company providing quality steel products worldwide. Behlen Country was formed by uniting Big Vally, Horseman's Choice, Farmaster and Magnum Kennels. In addition, adding Hawkins3 point implents to our product family, makes Behlen Country the most comprehensive manufacturer of farm and ranch equipment in all of North America. At Behlen Country we pride ourselves on continous improvement and customer satisfaction. Our products are designed and tested for "real world: use whether you are a weekend enthusiast or professional trainer.